Selling/Trading Some Items

In case anyone is interested that reads my blogs I have a few items I would like to either trade out for or will gladly negotiate a price for. Here is the list:

-Warhammer 40K CCG: Coronis Campaign
-Warhammer Fantasy: Warcry
-Legend of the Five Rings Miniatures (various clans and a Rulebook)
-Various Ork bits from I believe when 40K was 2nd edition (they are old school plastic)
-Bad Moon Psyker
-10 or so 2nd Edition 40K plastic Gretchin
-10 or so 2nd Edition 40K plastic Orks
-2 Orc Musicians for Warhammer Fantasy
-3 Orcs for Warhammer Fantasy
-6 updated plastic Orks
-2 updated metal Orks (one looks like a miner)
-Metal Killa Kan

Anyone who is interested please let me know either by repost or by emailing me. I'm willing to make trades or money works too. I live in the US just in case that makes a difference to anyone. Thank you.

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Xavi N (aka Hida_Notegi) said...

I'm interested in:
-Warhammer 40K CCG: Coronis Campaign
-Warhammer Fantasy: Warcry
If you, we can talk about!
Thanks in advance,


Xavi N (aka Hida_Notegi) said...

I'm interested in
-Warhammer 40K CCG: Coronis Campaign
If you want, we can talk about.
Thanks in advance!


David said...

Xavi, thank you for your interest. I'm sorry about getting back to you late but your comments just showed up on blogger today. If you are still interested please let me know. There should be a link on the site with my email. Thank you.

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