New Digital Products This Month

This month GW is featuring the Chaos Deamons on the iPad.  

Codex: Chaos Daemons
This is your comprehensive guide to unleashing the immortal denizens of the Warp on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. This digital codex includes interactive miniatures galleries, lavish full color artwork, and full rules for fielding an army of Chaos Daemons on the battlefield.  This ebook will cost you $49.99.

Warhammer: Daemons of Chaos
This is your guide to the fell denizens of the Realm of Chaos and features the ruinous history of the Daemons of Chaos and explains how their baleful influence has left the Warhammer world indelibly scarred, and provides full rules for fielding a Daemons of Chaos army in your games of Warhammer. This expanded Warhammer army book features interactive miniatures galleries, a handy glossary of game rules, and a comprehensive army list.  This ebook will cost you $44.99

Warhammer 40,000 Altar of War: Chaos Daemons
Altar of War missions provide all the information required to play games inspired by the battlefield tactics of the different Warhammer 40,000 armies. This book contains six brand-new missions which you can use instead of the Eternal War missions in the rulebook if you or your opponent has a Chaos Daemons army, allowing you to wage unholy, genocidal wars in the mortal realm and reap countless souls for the bloodthirsty Chaos Gods.  This ebook will cost you $7.99.

Want more table top games, video game, RPG's, gadgets and everything else play? try Hidden Area .
Looking for a different kind of role playing game? Try Disparity .


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