Assault on Flab Quarv 7

I have created a scenario for Warhammer 40K and have taken the name from a GWAR song called the Obliteration of Flab Quarv 7 off of their album entitled This Toilet Earth. Here it is enjoy!

Assault on Flab Quarv 7

Both sides are attempting to sweep the area clean of opposing troops. Roving forces must be on the lookout to seek and destroy any enemies they may encounter.

Scenario Special Rules
The assault on Flab Quarv 7 mission uses the Deep Strike, Infiltrators, and Victory points special rules.

Mission Objective
Both players must attempt to eliminate the enemy without losing too much of their own strength. The player with the highest victory points at the end of the game wins.


Game Length
The game lasts for six turns.

Line of Retreat
Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal fall back rules.

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