The Warbanner Podcast Review

This is another podcast I found the other day. Except I wasn't as big of fan of The Warbanner as I was of Dice Like Thunder. The audio was too soft and the main speaker talked a little too slowly. They also tend to ramble a bit too much as well and include strange interlude music. The Warbanner people not only talk about Games Workshop related games like Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Blood Bowl, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim but games like Warmachine and Hordes from Privateer Press, Confrontation and AT-43 from Rackham games. They do have a female gamer as well but she just started playing table top games. The people from the Warbanner do try and put on a good show and they are very informative but they tend to interrupt each other sometimes.

If you look on their website they do have a pictures gallery, and you can listen to some of their current podcasts right there. A little bit about them is that, "This podcast consists of everyday gamers talking about the in and out of the gaming world. We take a look at the top resellers in the gaming industry. Our Podcast will cover new releases of models that hit the shelves. We’ll discuss topics that are making headlines. And finally we’ll take the fight to the tabletop and see how they preform on the battlefield." The people who make this possible are Philip Johnson, Mike T., Jim E. and Lady Rain. Don't get me wrong it's really not that bad and they do cover a lot of material.

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