New: Daemons Out Now

The Daemons of Chaos are the embodiment of the worst horrors imaginable. Their armies can contain a diverse range of powerful units, from the inhumanly bizarre to the insanely monstrous. Now, with the powers of Chaos having spawned a host of nightmarish new miniatures, there's never been a better time to embrace Daemonhood and lead the Daemons of Chaos to war.

Here is the list of new editions:
-Daemon Prince: The all-new plastic Daemon Prince comes with a host of options and can be assembled in dozens of different ways. Like all of the new Daemon models, you can field this monstrous creature of Chaos in either Warhammer or Warhammer 40,000. He will run you about $33.

-Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Horrors are the only Warhammer regiment able to cast spells. An indispensable addition to a Daemon army, they allow you more casting and dispel dice than your opponent can hope to counter. Summon a unit of Horrors and consume your enemy in pink fire. A squad of these guys will run you $24.75.

-Seekers of Slaanesh: Give in to desire! The all new plastic Seekers of Slaanesh are a deadly addition to the Chaos Daemons range. Skilled and swift, they can dart across the battlefield and deliver multiple attacks that rip through flesh and armor with equal ease. A squad of these guys will run you $24.75.

-The Changeling: The Changeling is able to mirror any form and borrow the combat abilities of his foes, rendering them ineffective. Add the Changeling to a unit of Pink Horrors and he'll protect them from the attentions of powerful enemy characters and monsters. He will run you $16.50.

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