My Tau Army List (Generic)

Here was my Army list for the games I usually play. Keep in mind this doesn't count the new Forge World piece I just got or the Broadside Unit.

Tau Army (2300 pts)
* Commander Shadowsun (HQ)- 175pts
* Fire Warriors Squad (12 X2) (Troops)- one with a marker drone and they both had a Shasui (270 pts)
* Pathfinders (8) (Fast)- 2 Rail guns, Shasui, Marker drone for 256 pts
* Crisis Battlesuits (3) (Elite)- All with Shield generators and target lock, burst cannon, 2 fusion blasters and 1 flamer. Plus the Shasvre with advanced stabilization, a cyclonic ion blaster, a fusion blaster and sensor array for 187 pts
* Stealth Team (6) (Elite)- A Shasvre included with target lock, and a shield drone for 200 pts
* Gun Drones (8) (Fast)- 96 pts
* Vespides (6) (Fast)- with a Strain Leader came to 102 pts
* Kroot (20) (Troops)- Shaper with armor, 2 Kroot hounds, and a Krootox for 216 pts
* Sniper Drone Squad w/Spotter (4) (Heavy)- Field generator, Target lock and networked marker lights for 80 pts
* Ethereal (HQ)- with honor blades and a shield drone for 75 pts
* Tau Auxillary Squad (12x3) (Troops)- 216 pts
* Hammer Head (Heavy)- Railgun, Gun drones, target array, target lock and sensor spines for 180 pts
* Devil Fish (Fast)- Target Array, Sensor spines and Seeker missiles (2) for 135 pts
* Sky Ray Gun Ship (Heavy)- Decoy launchers, Flechette discharge, target lock, and smart missile drones

Totaling: 2355

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