New Lord of the Rings Miniatures

Here are some of the newest Lord of the Rings pieces that Games Workshop will be releasing next month.

Like the Cave Drake. The Cave Drake is a formidable monster and the ultimate hero killer. Should this serpentine terror defeat an enemy hero then it will swallow them whole, killing them instantly. This piece will run you $57.75 and releases 10/16.

The Dwarves
As a warrior, the Kings Champion is second to none. Use him to slay Mûmaks and fight Heroic Duels. Flói Stonehand on the other hand has more subtle uses, able to nullify an enemy formation's special rule just when they need it most. Kings Champion will run you $33 and Stonehand will run you $12.25 with both set to release on 10/16.

Gundabad Blackshields
These are the elite Goblins. They are as strong as Uruk-hai, and thanks to suits of heavy armor and the thick shields that give them their name, as resilient as Trolls. These burly Goblins are ideal for holding your battle line together. The command squad will run you $24.75 and the regular Blackshields will run you $13.25 and once again these will be released on 10/16.

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