More Dark Eldar to Come

So Dark Eldar players do you want more? Well here comes more:

Hellions are savage airborne terrors. With the Hit And Run special rule, they swoop into an enemy cluster, killing with their hooked weapons, before scattering quickly into the darkness. They are priced at $24.75 and is set to release November, 20th.

The Ravager is a heavily armored, fast-moving gunship, which at cruising speed can still fire all its weapons. It is upgraded with an aethersail, which allows the vehicle to move an additional 2D6"; combined with its weaponry, this makes the Ravager ideal for attacking armored vehicles. It's priced at $49.50 and is set to release November 20th.

The Mandrakes are secretly feared even by other Dark Eldar. With a 5+ invulnerable save and many special rules including Fleet and Stealth, the Mandrakes are ideal for ambushing other units. They are priced at $29.75 and is set to release November 20th.

The Master Haemonculus, Urien Rakarth, is depraved and twisted. At the start of each turn he automatically heals a single Wound. His Ichor gauntlet wounds enemies on a 3+, inflicting instant death, thus making Urien Rakarth a deadly HQ choice. He is priced at $15 and is set to release November 20th.

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