February Tournament Schedule

Want to know the tournament schedule for Warhammer Fantasy/40K in your area? Well here it is:

Upcoming Tournaments
-February 4th through the 6th: Gottacon (Victoria, BC)
-February 18th through the 20th: Broadside Bash (Los Angeles, CA)
-February 10th through the 13th: Genghis Con (Denver, CO)
-February 19th through the 20th: Game Summit (Ottawa, ON)
-February 18th through the 20th: A Gathering in the Desert (Phoenix, AZ)
-February 27th and 28th: St Valentines Day Massacre (Media, PA)
-February 27th and 28th: Massacre on Istvaan V (Calgary, AB)
-March 6th through the 11th: Geeking out with Wargaming at Sea (Cruise Ship)
-March 12th: Golden Snotling 5 (Las Vegas, NV)
-April 1st through the 3rd: Adepticon (Chicago, IL)
-April 8th through the 10th: The Lonewolf 9 (Dallas, TX)
-April 8th through the 10th: The Colonial GT (Princeton, NJ)
-April 28th and 29th: Slaughter in Space (Los Angeles, CA)
-June 18th and 19th: Throne of Skulls tournament (Las Vegas, NV)

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