Music to Game to.

My friends and I listen to a wide variety of music while gaming. Classical music is good for the Imperial Guard like Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner Although we mostly listen to Heavy Metal bands like the obvious being Bolt Thrower (even thought it's not that often).

Since we are mostly talking about Warhammer here I won't go too much into the exact songs but here is a good list of bands to play in the background while gaming. Bands like:
-Iced Earth
-Linkin Park
-Avenged Sevenfold
-Iron Maiden
-Blind Guardian

Of course as I have mentioned previously classical music works well too as well as artists like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Eric Johnson but I can go on and on and list every band I have in my iTunes library but we would be here forever. On the other hand, any music will do really as long as everyone is having fun while gaming. It depends on everyone's tastes. Using an Ipod works well because you can include a wide variety of music unlike listening to the radio or a Cd and I even have Pandora on mine. If anyone has other music they game too feel free to leave a post-comment.

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