Tau Tactica

This is my tactica for the Tau. In my opinion the Tau are very much like the Imperial Guard. You want to sit back and let everyone come to you especially with the ranges on some of the guns and the ability for many squads to deep strike. Not only that but some have the option to do either or.

The Tau are not very good in assault phase so if possible you want to avoid combat with the enemy at all costs. For all of the Tau vehicles I highly recommend using the fleschette discharger. This enables you to attack the assualters before they do serious harm to the vehicle especially since you know that assault marines with melta bombs coming at you and that vehicle of yours is toast. So you might as well take out as many as possible before they even get to you. The Kroot are ok in assault and so are the Stealth units but still not that good. Use the Kroot for cannon fodder and have the Stealth units take out as many enemies as possible.

As far as their armor goes. I like that they have a 4+ save for the average trooper and then the shield drones for certain squads are nice as well. Then once you get to the crisis units and the stealth team they can get shield generators (only the crisis squad) which are also very nice to have. If you can I highly suggest taking a shield drone for the stealth team as well as for the Crisis units and then make sure to take shield generators for the crisis units as well.

So in closing treat the Tau as if you were playing the IG. Stay away from close combat and keep as far back as possible to fire. Strength 5 weapons are nothing to take lightly so use them well. The AP value's are not so good on the Tau weapons but you have to take the good with the bad and the Tau have a lot of good going on for them.

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