A sneak peak of what is exactly in the Uniforms and Heraldry of the Skaven book.
-Ikit Claw: Ikit Claw is the Emissary of Lord Morskittar dispatched on a secret mission to recover a magical bell from the tower of Bludhorf.
-The Bloodvermin: The Bloodvermin are an exceptionally violent and bloodthirsty group of Stormvermin.
-The Skarlungs: Several of the Skarlungs' members were hacked apart by angry Skrot Gnawtooth who claimed they were all plotting against him from behind their gas masks.
-Festerboil's Offering: When Ikit approached the Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens, only Phlack Festerboil was interested in following him.
-Skrish Charwhiskers: Skrish Charwhiskers is Ikit's chief lieutenant.
-Kratch Gristleclaw: Kratch Gristleclaw is a ruthless warrior from Clan Mange whose loyalties lie firmly with the highest bidder.
-Trikk Warpforge: Trikk Warpforge of Clan Ektrikk has an incredibly annoying, high-pitched voice, even for a Skaven.
-Storm Klaw: Clan Etrikk have always been the thralls of Clan Skyre, and they were only too eager to donate one of their beloved Warp Lightning Cannons to their master's mission.
-The Blackclaws: The Blackclaws are one of Clan Mors' more successful mercenary regiments, due in no small part to their light-fingered nature.
-Throatslicer's Death Squad: Ikit Claw knows there is at least one spy in his ranks, and so he has hired a Clan Eshin Death Squad to find and dispose of him.
-Skratch Gutsplice: Skratch Gutsplice is a particularly vile Master Moulder, whose ego is matched only by his ravenous appetite.
-Gutsplice's Beast Pack: It cost Ikit a small fortune in warptokens to acquire six of Clan Krizzor's very best Rat Ogres.
-Fangbitter's Clawpack: Fangbitter's Clawpack was formally known as Goreskab's Clawpack, but after the regiment's former Clawleader accidentally fell over backwards onto a rusty dagger, twice, Fangbitter took charge.
-Ikit's Slavepack: Ikit Claw left Skavenblight with over three hundred of his own, personal Skavenslaves.
-Spiketail's Warpsnipers: Lord Morskittar assigned Clan Skrye's best Jezzail sharpshooters to aid Ikit's mission.
-The Throttlebeast of Hell Pit: The Throttlebeast is a particularly foul specimen created in Hell Pit's flesh laboratories.
-The Warpclaw Abomination: The Wapclaw Abomination was part of a special two-for-one deal currently being offered by Clan Moulder's breeding pits.
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