A Tip on Painting your Dark Eldar


Don't know what color to paint your brand new Dark Eldar. Well here is a quick tip. Happy painting.

-The Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue: Armour is done with a base coat of Necron Abyss. The Flayed skin is a base coat of Tallarn Flesh, the bodysuit is a base coat of Chaos Black. The Rifle casing is a base coat of Chaos Black again and the rifle detailing is a base coat of Tin Bitz. The Metal work is a base coat of Boltgun Metal. The green detail is a base coat of Dark Angels Green and the Bone is a base coat of Scorched Brown.

That's just an example. Things can get a little complicated depending on how detailed you plan on getting. I choose a blue and black paint scheme but by all means feel free to come up with your own. Remember this isn't Dungeons and Dragons or the WH40K RPG you don't need a background story for your army. Painting is supposed to be fun. If you are looking for more examples though you may want to go to the GW website.

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