Mordheim Scenario: Necrotrap

Necrotrap: by Brian Fortney

Our heroes have just returned from slaying their enemies and are eager to cash in their wyrdstone. The market is eriely quiet. All the tables and booths are empty. Where is everyone? A low moan from down an alley heralds the shambling hoard of newly risen dead that stalk towards the pocket of heroes. Somehow, the Necromancer knew they would be there and sent the brave warriors a small army to finally dispatch them. At a time like this, all a man can really do is run...

Terrain: The table should have the town square/monument dead center of the table. All other buildings should make rings around the edge of the table so that there is a no=man's land between the square and the rest of the terrain.

The players: This scenario requires at least one "hero" player and at least one "arbitrator" player. The hero player(s) basically pick their favorite warband and use ONLY the heroes. This is to simulate the heroes from the warbands going to the trading post after a game. The hero players do not use hired swords a you can not send a hired sword to the rare trade post. Heroes which must miss a fight due to injuries (i.e. a smashed leg) will obviously not appear in this battle. NO henchmen will be in this battle (for obvious reasons) unless they are "lads got talent". The warbands do not have to be friendly towards one another (i.e. players can use Skaven, Sisters or Sigmar, Possessed Cultists, and Witch Hunters without any problems). Hero players cannot be undead as they would have been helping set up the ambush against their living rivals. Just because all these different warband heroes are in the same predicament doesn't necessarily mean they can't kill each other. Smart hero players will use the other players as zombie chow rather than get swarmed while trying to kill other heroes.

The arbitrator player(s) will be using zombies and unexperienced ghouls. There will be three zombies for every hero on the table and also two ghouls for every warband leader on the table. This means in a one-on-one battle, where the hero player has a Middenheim captain and two youngbloods, the arbitrator player will be using nine zombies and two ghouls. The undead models will be split up as evenly as possible between all arbitrator players.

Deployment: The Hero players must deploy their models no more than 8" from the square. The arbitrators must set up the undead models 8" from the table edges, having at least one model per table edge. The undead are coming from all sides in the ambush.

The objective: The arbitrators must prevent the heroes from exiting any of the table edges. The heroes must exit the board by pushing through/weaving around the undead and moving past the table edge. Please note that exiting the table requires a declared charge and the undead within 2" of this path must intercept the fleeing hero. First hero to exit the table receives a wyrdstone shard for his/her warband.

Routing: NO one routes in this battle. The heroes want to get out of harms way and can't rout. The purpose of this scenario actually is trying to escape combat. The undead are compelled by forces much stronger than what's left of their deadened wills.

Ending the game
: The game ends when either A. all the heroes get off the table, B. when all the heroes die, or C. when all the undead are slain!

Experience: +2 for surviving, +1 per enemy out of action, and +1 for the warband leader if all his warband's heroes exit the table. The arbitrators have no need for experience points.

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